Buy Your Own Bloody...
Buy your your own bloody boiler you rich git,
Your old one works but it won't condense, So you're gonna save the planet, That makes sense,
Being trendy, being hip,
Selfie shots, narcisists, The have got, the have nots, Metamorphic mugshots, |
Not To Worry, Eh?
Old punk rockers still a- ranting,
Blaming Capitalism, Tories, Thatcher, They're gasping for breath now, Mid fifties, panting,
Farewell To Things
I once met a man from Mars on the train,
I know it sounds crazy and really insane, The reason I knew he was extra terrest, He wasn't adorned with tattoos, or piercings in chest, |
Private Number PL8
I need a personality!
I will display it on my car! For I've worked very hard you see, In life I've come quite far,
What happened to my ego?
My ego's got too big, I need to hog the limelight, I wanna own this gig, |
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